مهارت‌های زندگی روی خوش استرس را نمایان می‌کند - مرکز مشاوره اسپادانا

جمعه, 03 اسفند 1397 06:38

احمد پدرام در مورد استرس و اضطراب در جامعه کنونی به خبرنگار ایمنا گفت: حتی یک نوزاد هم می‌تواند قبل از اینکه به دنیا بیاید شرایط تلخی را در خانواده تجربه کند و همان شرایط تلخ می‌تواند در دوران جنینی هم برای او استرس ایجاد کند. در برخی موارد حتی از سن ۶ ماهگی تشخیص افسردگی با عنوان " ماراسموس "  برای نوزادی که از مادرش جدا و دور از مادر نگهداری شده داده می‌شود. دلیل این نوع افسردگی این است که به اندازه کافی کودک محبت نگرفته پس محیط از قبل تولد در ایجاد استرس و اضطراب موثر است.

به گفته این روانشناس مادرانی که در دوران بارداری بحران های را تجربه می کنند. فرزندی نا آرام را به جامعه تحویل می دهد.  

پدرام با اشاره به اینکه ما نمی‌توانیم وجود فشارهای اجتماعی را نادیده بگیریم، گفت: متاسفانه در نظام آموزشی و خانواده امروز ما در مورد شناخت و مدیریت استرس در زندگی افراد هیچ آموزشی داده نمی‌شود و بسیاری از اختلالات کودکان مانند شب ادرای، ناخن جویدن، لکنت، تیک و بسیاری از اختلالات روحی و روانی تماما بدلیل وجود زیربنای ناامنی و فاصله‌ توان فرد با انتظارات اوست که این ها نشانگر آشفتگی‌های محیطی است.


ناامنی اجتماعی، سیاسی و اقتصادی از دلایل استرس در ایران 


پدرام در مورد وجود استرس‌های شایع در ایران گفت: دلایل استرس نسبت به فرد و  موقعیت اجتماعی افراد متفاوت است. وی ادامه داد : عواملی چون  بیکاری و ناامنی اجتماعی، سیاسی و اقتصادی در کشور از جمله  عوامل استرس زا در جامعه است.

این روانشناس با اشاره به اینکه  بیکاری، بحرانی جدی است، گفت: بیکاری عاملی است که  نقش ممهمی در افزایش آسیب‌های اجتماعی دارد.

وی  در مورد بالا بودن استرس در زنان و مردان گفت: در دنیا آمارها نشان می‌دهد که اضطراب‌ها و افسردگی‌ها در زنان بیشتر است و این می‌تواند بدلیل ساختار فیزیکی و نقش‌های متعددی  است که زنان در جامعه بر عهده دارند.

پدرام در مورد تاثیر استرس بر افراد گفت: امروزه یک رویکردی در دنیا مطرح است که اگر استرس‌ها درست معنا شوند ما به هیچ‌وجه زندگی بدون استرس را دوست نخواهیم داشت. انسان ها اگر نگاه‌شان به کارهای پرخطر و پر استرس خودشان مثل یک خلبان، مامور اورژانس، مثل یک آتش‌نشان و بسیاری افراد که دارای شغل‌های پرخطر هستند که استرس خود را مدیریت می‌کنند نگاه مثبتی باشد، باعث می‌شود سوار بر موج‌ها شوند نه اینکه اسیر آن موج شوند.

پس آن کسی که به استرس معنا می‌دهد، بسیار مهم است  این که چگونه به آن معنا می دهیم. برخی افراد از آن می‌ترسند، اما بعضی دیگر به دل استرس می‌روند تا آن را کنترل کنند.

با مهارت‌های زندگی روی خوش استرس را ببینید


پدرام در مورد یادگیری مهارت‌های کنترل استرس گفت: شیوه‌های کنترل استرس در واقع همان یادگیری مهارت‌های زندگی است، یعنی ابتدا باید به هیجان‌ها و احساسات خود آگاه شد و پس از آن توانایی خودمان را بهتر بشناسیم‌ و به توانایی‌های خود بیشتر آگاه شویم پس در آن زمان است که دیگر از خودمان انتظارات خارق‌العاده‌ای نخواهیم داشت و به نوعی استرس فعالیت‌هایی که در توان ما نیست را هم نداریم.

این روانشناس با تاکید بر اینکه باید به توان فیزیکی یا عاطفی خود آگاهی پیدا کنیم، گفت: در این صورت است که بسیاری از فعالیت‌هایی که در توان ما نیست را نمی‌پذیریم و اینجا استرس‌ها به ما تحمیل نمی‌شود و متاسفانه زمانی که مهارت گفتگو در میان مردم ما وجود ندارد. پس مشکلات بسیاری هم در چنین جامعه‌ای وجود خواهد داشت.

این روانشناس در مورد دلایل استرس در بین مردم گفت: پدرام در خاتمه با اشاره به اینکه باید روی خوش استرس را هم دید، عنوان کرد: انکار استرس و سعی در رفع استرس کمکی به ما نمی‌کند، بلکه شناخت استرس و توانمندی‌های فردی می‌تواند به مدیریت استرس کمک کند برای مقابله با استرس باید مهارت‌های زندگی اعم از مهارت گفتگو، خودآگاهی، توان حل مسئله، توان کنترل خشم و داشتن تفکر خلاق و تفکر انتقادی همگی از مهارت‌های زندگی است و هر کس این مهارت‌ها را داشته باشد می‌تواند بر استرس‌های زندگی امروزی بهتر غلبه کرد.

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مرکز مشاوره اسپادانا

مرکز مشاوره اسپادانا در شهر اصفهان فعالیت دارد. این مرکز مشاوره، افتخار دارد که کادری مجهز و زبده از روانشناس ها و روانپزشکان را در کنار خود داشته باشد. 

مشاوران ما 

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    Office Chairs in Atlanta

    Office Chairs in Atlanta

    Revolutionize Your Workspace with Freedman's Office Chairs
    in Atlanta

    **Embrace Productivity and Comfort: Freedman's Office Chairs in Atlanta**

    In the bustling city of Atlanta, where innovation meets tradition, Freedman's Office Furniture introduces its exclusive
    range of ergonomic office chairs. Located at 3379 Peachtree Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30326, our showroom caters to
    the discerning tastes of residents in neighborhoods like Ansley Park and Baker
    Hills, offering premium office seating solutions that combine
    style and functionality.

    **Elevate Your Workspace in the Heart of Atlanta**

    Atlanta, founded in 1836, stands as a testament to a rich history and a
    thriving metropolis. With a population of 496,461 (2021) and 227,388 households, the city continues to evolve while preserving its unique charm.
    Freedman's commitment to providing modern office chairs aligns
    seamlessly with Atlanta's spirit of progress and dynamism.

    **Navigating the Urban Hub: Interstate 20**

    Much like the smooth flow of Interstate 20,
    Freedman's ergonomic office chairs embody a perfect blend of form
    and function. This mirrors Atlanta's commitment to providing a conducive environment for businesses to
    flourish and individuals to excel in their professional endeavors.

    **Investing in Style: A Wise Choice for Atlanta Professionals**

    In a city that values aesthetics and innovation, opting for
    Freedman's ergonomic office chairs is a statement
    of sophistication. Our collection not only enhances the visual appeal of your workspace but also complements Atlanta's
    commitment to creating a work environment that fosters creativity and

    **Discovering Atlanta's Landmarks and the Comfort of Freedman's Chairs**

    Embark on a journey through Atlanta's iconic landmarks while experiencing the unmatched comfort of Freedman's ergonomic office chairs.
    Here are five fascinating facts about some of Atlanta's
    cherished destinations:

    - **Atlanta Botanical Garden:** A 30-acre botanical garden showcasing an incredible variety of plants and flowers.

    - **Centennial Olympic Park:** Built for the 1996 Summer Olympics, this park serves as a
    gathering spot for locals and visitors.
    - **Atlanta History Center:** An extensive history
    museum featuring exhibits, historic houses, and gardens.

    - **College Football Hall of Fame:** Celebrating the rich history of college football with interactive exhibits and memorabilia.

    - **The ""It's a living"" Street Art:** A vibrant street art scene in the city, offering colorful and
    dynamic murals.

    **Why Choose Freedman's Ergonomic Office Chairs in Atlanta**

    Opting for Freedman's ergonomic office chairs in Atlanta is not
    just a choice; it's a commitment to elevate your workspace.

    Our stylish and comfortable chairs ensure that your office reflects the vibrant and dynamic spirit of Atlanta, making it an ideal
    place for productivity, innovation, and success.
    "Transform Your Work Environment with Freedman's Office Chairs in Orlando

    **Revitalize Your Workspace: Discover Freedman's Office Chairs in Orlando**

    In the heart of Orlando, where magic and modernity coexist, Freedman's Office Furniture proudly presents its exclusive range of office chairs.
    Conveniently located at 200 E Robinson St Suite 1120, Orlando, FL 32801, our showroom caters to the diverse needs of residents in neighborhoods
    like Audubon Park and Colonial Town Center, offering premium office seating solutions that prioritize both comfort and style.

    **Elevate Your Work Experience in Orlando's Lively Atmosphere**

    Orlando, founded in 1875, has grown into a vibrant city with a population of 309,154
    (2021) and 122,607 households. Freedman's commitment to providing high-quality
    office chairs resonates with Orlando's lively and energetic atmosphere,
    offering residents the perfect blend of comfort and functionality
    for their workspaces.

    **Navigating the City: The Significance of Interstate 4**

    Much like the seamless flow of Interstate 4, Freedman's ergonomic office chairs seamlessly blend style
    and functionality. This mirrors Orlando's commitment to providing an environment where residents can seamlessly navigate between work and leisure, making our chairs
    an ideal choice for those who value efficiency and aesthetics.

    **Investing in Comfort: An Informed Choice for Orlando

    In a city known for its diverse attractions and entertainment, investing in Freedman's
    ergonomic office chairs is a conscious decision. Our
    chairs not only enhance the aesthetics of your workspace but also align with Orlando's commitment
    to providing a comfortable and conducive work environment.

    **Explore Orlando's Attractions and Relax
    in Freedman's Chairs**

    Embark on a journey through Orlando's enchanting attractions while enjoying the unparalleled comfort of Freedman's ergonomic office chairs.

    Here are five interesting facts about some of Orlando's most beloved

    - **Walt Disney World Resort:** The most visited vacation resort globally,
    spanning over 25,000 acres.
    - **Universal Studios Florida:** An iconic film and television studio theme park,
    featuring thrilling rides and attractions.

    - **Lake Eola Park:** A scenic park in downtown Orlando with a picturesque lake and
    swan boats.
    - **Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts:** A state-of-the-art venue hosting various cultural
    and artistic performances.
    - **Orlando Museum of Art:** Showcasing a diverse collection of contemporary
    and classic art.

    **Why Choose Freedman's Ergonomic Office Chairs in Orlando**

    Opting for Freedman's ergonomic office chairs in Orlando is not just a decision; it's a commitment to enhancing your workspace.
    Our stylish and comfortable chairs ensure that your office reflects the dynamic and creative spirit of Orlando,
    making it an ideal place for productivity, innovation,
    and success.
    "Discover Superior Comfort with Freedman's Office Chairs in Atlanta

    **Elevate Your Workspace: Freedman's Office Chairs in Atlanta**

    Nestled in the vibrant city of Atlanta, Freedman's Office Furniture proudly introduces
    its exclusive collection of office chairs. Conveniently located at 3379 Peachtree Rd NE, Atlanta,
    GA 30326, our showroom caters to the diverse needs of residents in neighborhoods
    like Ansley Park and Buckhead, offering premium office seating solutions that blend comfort and
    sophistication seamlessly.

    **Crafting a Distinctive Workspace in Atlanta's Dynamic Setting**

    Founded in 1836, Atlanta has evolved into a bustling city with a population of 496,461 (2021) and 227,388 households.
    Freedman's commitment to delivering top-notch office chairs aligns perfectly with Atlanta's dynamic and diverse setting,
    providing residents with ergonomic solutions that enhance both productivity and aesthetic appeal.

    **Navigating the Urban Hub: The Importance of Interstate 20**

    Much like the flow of Interstate 20, Freedman's ergonomic office chairs effortlessly navigate the modern office landscape.

    This reflects Atlanta's status as a vibrant urban hub, where residents
    value efficiency and style in equal measure, making our chairs the perfect
    choice for those seeking a superior seating experience.

    **Investing in Excellence: A Thoughtful Choice for Atlanta

    In a city renowned for its rich history and cultural attractions, choosing Freedman's ergonomic
    office chairs is a thoughtful investment. Our chairs not only elevate the visual appeal
    of your workspace but also resonate with Atlanta's commitment to
    fostering innovation and success through a comfortable and ergonomic work environment.

    **Explore Atlanta's Cultural Gems and Relax in Freedman's Chairs**

    Immerse yourself in Atlanta's cultural richness while enjoying the superior
    comfort of Freedman's ergonomic office chairs. Here
    are five fascinating facts about some of Atlanta's most iconic landmarks:

    - **Atlanta Botanical Garden:** A 30-acre
    garden showcasing an incredible variety of plants, flowers, and sculptures.

    - **Centennial Olympic Park:** Built for the 1996
    Summer Olympics, it's a gathering spot with
    fountains, events, and green spaces.
    - **Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site:** Preserving the legacy of the civil rights leader, including his childhood home and Ebenezer Baptist Church.

    - **Piedmont Park:** A sprawling urban park with walking trails,
    sports facilities, and the picturesque Lake Clara Meer.

    - **The Fox Theatre:** A historic venue known for its Moorish architecture and hosting
    various performances.

    **Why Choose Freedman's Ergonomic Office Chairs in Atlanta**

    Opting for Freedman's ergonomic office chairs in Atlanta is not merely a decision—it's a statement.
    Elevate your workspace with our stylish and comfortable chairs, embodying the spirit of
    innovation and success that defines Atlanta's dynamic professional landscape.

    "Discover Unmatched Seating Comfort with Freedman's Office Chairs in Orlando

    **Elevate Your Workspace: Freedman's Office Chairs in Orlando**

    Located at 200 E Robinson St Suite 1120, Orlando,
    FL 32801, Freedman's Office Furniture is proud to
    introduce its exclusive range of office chairs to the vibrant city of Orlando.
    Serving neighborhoods like Colonial Town Center and College Park,
    Freedman's provides superior office seating solutions that prioritize
    both comfort and style.

    **Crafting a Distinctive Workspace in Orlando's Sunshine State**

    Established in 1875, Orlando has transformed into a thriving
    city with a 2021 population of 309,154 and
    122,607 households. Freedman's dedication to delivering top-tier office chairs aligns seamlessly with Orlando's sunny ambiance, offering residents ergonomic solutions that blend seamlessly
    with the city's dynamic and energetic atmosphere.

    **Navigating the Urban Landscape: The Significance of Interstate 4**

    Much like the flow of Interstate 4, Freedman's ergonomic office chairs
    effortlessly navigate the modern office landscape.
    This mirrors Orlando's status as a hub of entertainment and technology, where residents seek innovative and comfortable seating solutions, making our chairs the ideal choice for those desiring a superior seating experience.

    **Investing in Excellence: A Thoughtful Choice for Orlando Professionals**

    In a city known for its theme parks and cultural attractions, choosing Freedman's
    ergonomic office chairs is a thoughtful investment.
    Our chairs not only enhance the visual appeal
    of your workspace but also align with Orlando's commitment to creating a vibrant and comfortable work environment that fosters creativity and

    **Explore Orlando's Magical Attractions and Relax in Freedman's Chairs**

    Immerse yourself in Orlando's magical offerings while enjoying the
    unmatched comfort of Freedman's ergonomic office chairs.

    Here are five fascinating facts about some of Orlando's most
    iconic landmarks:

    - **Walt Disney World Resort:** The world's most-visited vacation resort, featuring
    four theme parks and numerous attractions.
    - **Universal Studios Florida:** A film and television studio theme
    park with thrilling rides and shows.
    - **Lake Eola Park:** A downtown oasis with swan boats, live swans, and
    scenic walking paths.
    - **Orlando Science Center:** A hands-on science museum with interactive exhibits and
    engaging displays.
    - **Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts:** A modern venue hosting various live performances, including Broadway shows.

    **Why Choose Freedman's Ergonomic Office Chairs in Orlando**

    Opting for Freedman's ergonomic office chairs in Orlando is more than just a decision—it's a commitment to
    excellence. Elevate your workspace with our stylish and comfortable chairs,
    embodying the spirit of innovation and success that defines
    Orlando's dynamic professional landscape.
    "Revolutionize Your Workspace with Freedman's
    Office Chairs in Atlanta

    **Experience Unparalleled Comfort: Freedman's Office Chairs in Atlanta**

    Nestled at 3379 Peachtree Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30326, Freedman's Office Furniture proudly introduces its exceptional collection of office chairs to the dynamic city of Atlanta.

    Serving neighborhoods like Ansley Park and Buckhead, Freedman's delivers office seating solutions that seamlessly
    combine ergonomic design with aesthetic appeal.

    **Redesigning Your Office Aesthetic: Freedman's Office Chairs in Atlanta**

    Founded in 1836, Atlanta has evolved into a bustling metropolis with a 2021
    population of 496,461 and 227,388 households.
    Freedman's commitment to providing top-notch office chairs perfectly complements Atlanta's modern and diverse atmosphere, offering
    residents seating solutions that embody both innovation and style.

    **Navigating the Cityscape: The Significance of Interstate 20**

    Much like the connectivity provided by Interstate 20,
    Freedman's ergonomic office chairs seamlessly integrate into Atlanta's
    diverse professional landscape. Reflecting Atlanta's status as a cultural and economic hub, our chairs offer residents unparalleled comfort and style, making them the
    preferred choice for those seeking an exceptional seating experience.

    **A Commitment to Excellence: Choosing Freedman's Chairs in Atlanta**

    In a city known for its rich history and cultural landmarks, choosing Freedman's ergonomic office chairs is a statement of commitment
    to excellence. Our chairs not only enhance
    the visual appeal of your workspace but also align with Atlanta's reputation for fostering
    innovation and success.

    **Explore Atlanta's Rich Heritage and Relax in Freedman's Chairs**

    Discover the vibrant history of Atlanta while enjoying
    the unrivaled comfort of Freedman's ergonomic office chairs.
    Here are five intriguing facts about some of Atlanta's
    iconic landmarks:

    - **Atlanta History Center:** A comprehensive history
    museum featuring exhibits on the Civil War and Southern history.

    - **Piedmont Park:** Atlanta's premier green space, offering walking paths, sports
    facilities, and beautiful scenery.
    - **Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site:** Preserving the childhood
    home of the civil rights leader and featuring the Ebenezer Baptist Church.

    - **The Fox Theatre:** A historic performing arts venue known for its grand architecture and diverse
    - **The High Museum of Art:** Atlanta's leading art museum, showcasing a diverse collection of

    **Why Freedman's Ergonomic Office Chairs Stand Out in Atlanta**

    Choosing Freedman's ergonomic office chairs in Atlanta is a decision that transcends
    mere furniture. It's a commitment to elevating your workspace with stylish and comfortable seating
    that resonates with Atlanta's spirit of progress and

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